Friday, December 4, 2015


Alarm goes off during credits. Camera shows girl waking up. Jess is a teenage girl in high school who is very care-free and laid back. She doesn't take anything too seriously.

Jess gets up and gets ready. Phone goes off and she checks it.

Camera goes to phone screen where we see a text "I need a ride to school. Can you drive me?"

                                Sure, why not. [texts back "Yes. I'll be there in 10 minutes."]

Scene changes to in front of friends house, waiting to pick up her friend Sophie. Sophie is Jess's good friend who is typically more uptight than Jess and a stickler for the rules. She tries to seem very mature.
                                                        Hey, thanks for picking me up.
                                           No Problem. [Starts to drive away and turns radio up real loud]

                                                                 Can you turn that down?


                                                               It's distracting. [turns radio off]
                               Ugh. Fine. [gets bagel out and starts to put cream cheese on it while driving]

                                                                   What are you doing?!

                                                                        Eating breakfast.

                                               You're supposed to be paying attention to the road.
                                                        I am. [swerves a little and horns honk] Whoops.
                                                            My god, we're going to die.

                                                       You'll be fine. The wheel just slipped a little.
[Car goes over a bump real fast and you see Sophie bounce up and down in the car; Sophie looks over at Jess exasperatedly]
                                                  I don't believe in speed bumps. [drinks coffee]
You don't believe in speed bumps?! How did you even get your licence? You are literally the worst driver I have ever seen.

       What are you talking about? I'm a perfectly fine driver. [starts looking at phone while driving]

                              No!--I value my life. Pay attention! [grabs phone and throws out window]

[Jess and Sophie both look at each, Sophie and Jess can't believe that Sophie just threw her phone out the window.]
[Fade out to black]

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